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The Aquarian League

For Truly Successful Enterprise

Doing Good, Profitably!

Imagine a new approach to business for the Aquarian Age, one that provides real prosperity by delivering value to its customers, honoring its staff, and giving back to society.

It’s time for a new way of doing business. A general “Awakening” is going on now that is making the old way unacceptable to many. The old way is all about profits at any cost. People today want more than just money. They want the companies that they are associated with to care about more as well. This is the home of an organization dedicated to making that happen. We have developed a new way of doing business that speaks to those whose vision is wide enough to see that it’s possible to both make money and do good. Perhaps you are one of them.

The Aquarian League is an alternative to business as usual, providing both a new approach to capital formation (raising the money that businesses need to get started and to expand) and a novel operations strategy that honors both the staff of those companies and the communities in which they exist. It achieves this with what some have called a “best of both worlds” formula that cuts across the lines into what are considered charitable activities while preserving the incentives and rewards of profit that make true capitalism (not Cronyism) the best economic system on the planet.

While Capitalism (the Free Market and voluntary exchange) has indeed raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system in history, many today blame it for the excesses committed by those seeking to satisfy the greed of the few for whom there is never enough.

The fact that these excesses are not part of Capitalism itself, but are rather reflections of the mindset of those in charge of the large multi-national companies committing them, doesn’t seem to matter. The primary goal for executives at publicly-traded companies is to make more money for their shareholders. All other considerations are secondary to that. That is how things work and how they have worked for several hundred years. The result of this has been slavery, pollution, and the theft of natural resources from indigenous populations around the world. We’ve got a better idea.

How does this new system work? It starts by raising money another way. It’s about donating money to give back rather than investing it to make more. Let’s say that you have an extra $1,000 that you want to use to help people and you decide that feeding them is what you want to do. Would it be wiser to use those funds to feed a hundred people dinner once or, if you could, to give that money to a group that is going to use it (and other monies it’s received) to build a restaurant that will serve a hundred meals a day every day while employing some of those you would have been helping?

That idea, of using donations to fund new businesses selected on the basis of what they do rather than how much they make, is what empowers this new approach. Because paying dividends back to investors is no longer the driving force behind the enterprise, it becomes possible to pay people more fairly, to take care of the environment, and to otherwise be a force for good in the world at large.

It also provides a solution and a place for the many souls of light who would like to enjoy the synergy and reward that comes by working as part of a team, but who simply can not fit within the mainstream corporate culture. Companies run according to the principles set forth on this site will welcome these souls with open hearts, allowing them to thrive while truly helping others.

The Aquarian League is a non-profit organization created to support this new vision of what businesses can be. It is a community of people who are dedicated to the principles set forth herein. There are many ways you can participate. If you feel a connection, we'd be delighted to have you join us.