Coming Soon...
The Aquarian League


There are many ways to be in the Aquarian League, both as an individual and an organization. The paragraphs below lay them out in some detail. If you have any questions, you can send them to our Membership office.

We are not yet accepting memberhip applications. When we are, this is where you'll find the forms to make one.

Individual Options


A follower is someone who wants to know what's happening within the League. All you have to do to keep in the know is subscribe to our Twitter feed. You can also check back here and go to the News page. Either way, you'll be up to date with what's happening within the League.


The Aquarian League is founded on the premise that people like you want to give back to help create a new world for the New Age. It is about enabling them to make a difference. Givers are those who make donations to support one or more League Projects.

Because we respect your privacy, we've set things up so you can do that more or less anonymously. Unless you tell us otherwise, we won't keep your name or contact information when you make a donation. Whatever of that we ask for is passed directly to a third-party payment processing system without being stored by us.

(We expect that) Donations made to / through the League by those within the United States are (going to be) tax deductable.


When you're ready to start giving back with your time, you can join the ranks of individual League Members. It is those Members who make things happen within the League. They are its backbone. As an Aquarian League Member, you can take classes on League businesss practices, contact other League Members, and apply to be on the various councils and guidance groups within the organization.

Many League Projects limit their staff, or key staff, to active Members, so becoming one opens the door to those opportunities as well.

As a Member, we track the donations you make to League Projects. When a Business Project you've donated to turns a profit, you get to designate where some of it goes next. The amount you control is proportional to your donation, in the same way it would be if you'd bought stock in that project. You can choose to allocate those funds, by percent or as a specific amount, to any Business or Community Project seeking funding.


Organization Membership Options

Allied Organization

An Allied Organization is one that is aligned with the League in the purpose of making things better, but which can not follow all League practices. An example of this is a publically-traded corporation that can not implement the staff profit sharing or community giving programs, but which does give back meaningfully on its own. The specific ways in which an Allied Organization conforms to League practices, and those in which it doesn't, are recorded and made available to other League Organizations so they can consider them as part of evaluating any business opportunities or proposals.

An independent non-profit entity can also be an Allied Organization for the purpose of qualifying for inclusion in the list of Community Projects that profits can be allocated to.

Support Organization

Support Organizations are companies that are effectively owned by a League Foundation and whose purpose is to provide basic or common services to the other companies in that Foundation's inventory. Accounting, IT, and Contract Manufacturing are examples of what such companies might offer.

Member Organization

League Projects are embodied in one or more member Organizations. They are effectively owned by a League Foundation and often utilize the services of related Support Organizations. It is Member Business Organizations that turn profits and Member Community Organizations that do the things that make the difference its donors are supporting.

League Foundation

A League Foundation is a non-profit organization that manages the activities of the many companies in its inventory, using whatever intermediate holding companies as may make sense.

Each such Foundation has a guiding Council, made up of individual League Members. The council chooses the Projects a Foundation is going to support and allocates donations and retained profits not associated with Members.